Joy — Family Hope


Do you have it?  If you are in the season of joy, celebrate and count yourself as blessed.  However, if you are in a darker season, you might be disappointed by the sounds of joy. 

Particularly at Christmas, we hear the words, “it is the hap-happiest season of all.”  We are inspired to be happy during Christmas.  But how long does happiness last…until the first disappointment?  …until someone messes with your schedules?  …until someone says an unkind word?

Some say being happy is having a break at Christmas.  Trips, time off from school and jobs can renew our life and make us happy…until the vacation turns into a side trip of unfilled dreams.  Just watch the beloved movie, “Christmas Vacation,” and discover a vacation gone wrong. 

Some say being happy is being with family at Christmas.  Children coming home, giving presents to each other and favorite foods are all part of Christmas that I love.  However, what happens when one of the members of your family begins to speak a critical word or brings up politics? 

Certainly, having a break at Christmas and the precious time with families can be a great treasure of happiness.  However, happiness depends on the circumstances being just right.  “Don’t mess with my life!  Don’t say the wrong word.  Fit into the plan.  Be happy with these circumstances!”

Joy, on the other hand, does not depend on a circumstance or event.  It transcends Christmas.  It is more than a break at Christmas or vacation.  It is more than family members coming home for Christmas.  Joy comes from Christ our Savior who brings light to the world.  “The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people.’” (Luke 2:10)

You might be lacking in food or blessed by a good job, and the hap-happiest season might be short on being happy.  However, no one can take away your joy because the light of the world has come for YOU!

The good news is you can have joy anytime because it comes from Jesus Christ.
