That's what we are supposed to do

Friends of Family Hope, today has been a day to remember in the life of our communities.  Volunteers descended on both Fulshear and Simonton to lend a strong hand and support.  At Fulshear, we served nearly 400 people with fresh fruits and vegetables with almost 100 volunteers sharing their time.  Chic-Fil-A, with Cliff Parker, brought part of the breakfast with additional food from volunteers.  In Simonton, teams from all over Houston were taking out bad sheetrock, removing furniture and kitchen cabinets that were destroyed by the 3' and 4' of water in homes.  One fellow said to me:  "God has blessed me with a strong back and so we are helping others.  That's what we are suppose to do."  

...Dinners at Simonton Church continue each night through Thursday, June 16th, 6 - 8 pm.  
...For your convenience, County Social Services will be meeting with Flood Survivors at Simonton Community Church: Monday - Wednesday, June 13 - 15: 10 --4pm. Now is the time to apply for financial assistance!
...Special Fund Raiser for Flood Survivors:  Center Court Pizza (FM 1093), Thursday, June 16th.  10% of all sales to Flood Assistance Fund. 
...Special Thank you to John Boaz, our chef for all the evening meals at Simonton Church.  He is full-time ministry at Lord Send Me Ministries.  He and his brother have been amazing to cook and serve with joy!
...The word I leave you with before the Sabbath Day:  GRATITUDE.
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." (Melody Beattie)

With Gratitude.
Dale Olson, Executive Director
Family Hope