Simonton Flood Assistance
Most families are able returning to their homes. I heard stories of houses with 3' and 4' of water. One man after showing pictures of his flooded house, showed me a picture of his granddaughter and said, "I might have lost a lot of things today, but she is the reason to live along with my faith."
...Dinners at Simonton Church continue, 6--8pm: Tonight we served 150 people and Red Cross brought 300 prepared meals to Valley Lodge residents. We need servers. Needed: Desserts for meal.
...We continue to need cleaning supplies. Bring to Red Potato Market.
...Need: Workers to lift furniture out of houses of seniors. One senior said, "It is really hard for me to ask for help but I can't do this myself." Also, needed...workers to clean up.
...Fort Bend County Social Services will be at Simonton Church on Tuesday after 12:30pm to answer questions.
...Anyone wishing to receive a food box, come and sign up for a box of non-perishables at the dinner at Simonton Church on Tuesday night.
...For updates: Facebook...FamilyHopeFulshear
Thanks for the many generous hearts who are serving with joy!
Dale Olson, Executive Director
Family Hope