Returning to Homes

Friends, the work of returning to the homes and taking out sheetrock and furniture has begun.  Although the stories are filled with sadness, the spirit is amazing.  As one person said tonight:  "We're blessed."  The groups of men who are helping the seniors and others have helped so many already.  Thanks to all the volunteers.  You're the best!

...Fort Bend County Social Services will be available to meet at Simonton Church from 1 - 4 pm Thursday, June 9th.  Please use these services.  Many need to begin this process.  
...Dinners continue at Simonton Church, 6-8 pm all weekend, Friday --Sunday.  
...Saturday, June 11th, all affected by the flood waters are invited to River Bend Church (27600 FM 1093, Fulshear) for BREAKFAST...compliments of Chic-Fil-A and others.  Also, fresh fruits and vegetables given away.  County Social Services will be available for visits.  
...Greatest need now:  Give a cash donation or donate online
...Gift Cards are needed:  Home Depot and Walmart.

Words to live by:  "The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration but its donation."  (Corrie Ten Boom)

With Gratitude.
Dale Olson, Executive Director
Family Hope